Meditation of Loving Kindness - Introduction
Meditation of Loving Kindness - Introduction
Today most people live very busy life. Therefore they get angry quickly as they suffer from stress. This is common everywhere in the world. This leads to peace less and unhappy life. Not only adults, children and youth suffer from stress because of the competitive education system.Because of this stress they can't control their anger, so they quarrel, blame their loved ones but when they become normal, they feel sorry about themselves.
Sometimes you may also have face such occasions, either you yourself or your beloved ones. You can find relief from Buddhist meditations. Either you can practice meditation to attain your worldly success or you can practice it further to attain the ultimate bliss of nibbana.
Meditation of Loving-Kindness (i.e. Metta Bhavana) is easy and very pleasant meditation you can learn and practice. It is the contemplation of Loving Kindness that can suppress hatred. By doing this meditation, you can get 11 main benefits according to the Buddha. (Mettanisasa Sutta - we'll discuss it more in another article)
Meditation of Loving kindness is a great psychotherapy that can relieve a trouble mind and brig peace to the mind. One who practice Loving kindness meditation well, he/she can experience the comfort and happiness they feel never before.
Therefore meditation of loving kindness is a great meditation that you can practice to heal your mind. You may also experience some other positive results too when you practice this meditation. You will see a considerable positive change in your day to day life.
Let's learn how to practice meditation of loving kindness correctly in the next article.
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