Benefits of Practicing Meditation on Metta

We now already know how to practice meditation on loving kindness (metta). The Buddha, the most compassionate one, have discoursed a valuable sermon to show us the main benefits we can get through practicing meditation on loving kindness. That sermon is "Mettanisamsa Sutta" or the "discourse of benefits of loving kindness". According to this sermon meditation of metta can lead you to the ultimate spiritual liberation (mettacetavimutti).

There are eleven main benefits that you can experience by practicing meditation on loving kindness are as follows;

  • He who practice meditation on loving kindness;

  1. Will sleeps easily - most people have difficulties in sleeping. They struggle for a long time to have a good sleep. But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will be able to sleep with comfort.
  2. Will wakes easily - many people wakes uncomfortably. But But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will wake easily with fresh mind.
  3. Won't see evil dreams - a meditator who practice meditation on metta won't see nightmares. Instead he/ she will see pleasant dreams.
  4. Will be dear to human beings - people like to associate a meditator who practice meditation on metta. His/ her presence too will make others happy.
  5. Will be dear to non-human beings - not only for human beings, he/ she becomes dear to non-human beings like animals, birds, gods, deities etc too.
  6. Gods will protect him/ her - a meditator who practice meditation on metta will be protected by heavenly beings like gods.
  7. Neither fire, poison, nor weapons can harm him/ her - a meditator who practice meditation on metta won't be harmed with fire, poison, or weapons. His/ her power of metta will protect him/ her.
  8. Mind gets concentrated quickly - meditators who practice meditation on metta can concentrate their minds quickly.
  9. Skin complexion will become bright - meditator who practice meditation on metta don't need fairness creams make his/ her skin bright, by practicing meditation on metta will make his/ her skin bright!
  10. Dies unconfused and with conscious - many people dies without conscious and with confused mind. So their death brings them pain both bodily and mentally. But a meditator who practice meditation on metta will deserve a conscious, unconfused and happy death with no worries and sorrows.
  11. If not attained spiritual liberation, will deserve a birth in Brahma world after the death - if the meditator who practice meditation on metta doesn't attain the spiritual liberation in this life, he/ she will be born in Brahma world (a higher celestial world).

To get this benefits you should practice meditation on metta frequently. Beside of this main benefits, there are many other advantages that have experienced by many meditators too. You may also experience many benefits by doing this meditation.

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